The 10 Mahavidyas

The 10 Mahavidyas

The word Mahavidya translates as "The Great Wisdoms." This group of 10 goddesses, or 10 aspects of The Goddess (Devi), varies between different traditions--this is the most common group of 10 goddesses used in the Tantra traditions. These goddesses can be invoked either individually or as a group. This group contains some very important goddesses, such as Kali and Tara, while other more obscure Mahavidyas are related to more common goddesses, for example Matangi has attributes similar to Sarasvati. Nevertheless, The Mahavidyas also contain some relatively unknown goddesses and the Mahavidya versions of the more well-known goddesses tend to emphasize their darker "cremation-ground" aspects. All of the 10 Mahavidyas, no matter what their other traditions say, are paired with various aspects of Shiva.

1. Mahavidya Kali

Meaning Of Name:

Alternate Names: Adi Mahavidya, Elokeshi, dakshinakali

Spouse: Mahakala

Attributes: Emanation of Durga, associated with darkness, night, time, mystery, fire, power of attraction and the source and residue of all energies. Her 4 arms represent the complete circle of creation and destruction; she represents the fully awakened consciousness, the reconciliation of opposites, and consciousness in motion.

Colors: Dark (blue, black, green), All colors reside in Kali, in her all colors dissolve. In her all shapes return to shapelessness, dissolved in the all pervading darkness of the eternal night. Her dark color is the ultimate reality in which all distinctions disappear.

Description: Two right hands in mudras of dispelling fear and granting boons. She holds a sword which cuts the knots of doubt, delusions, and negative traits and cuts through ignorance and falsehood. In her left hand she holds a severed demon-head which represents the small ego, the false identities, and limitations.

"Seated on a corpse, greatly terrifying, laughing loudly, with fearful fangs, four arms holding a cleaver, a skull, and giving the mudras bestowing boons and dispelling fear, wearing a garland of skulls, her tongue rolling wildly, completely naked (digambara--clad in the directions), thus one should meditate on Kali, dwelling in the center of the cremation grounds (Todala Tantra)."

"O Kali, you are fond of cremation grounds
So I have turned my heart into one
You love to dance in the light of burning pyres
At the dead of the night
Mother, come and dance unceasingly
In the cremation ground of my heart
Where all my early desires burning to ashes
Prasada waits with his eyes closed.

Kali, greatly terrifying, laughing loudly,
Elokeshi sporting disheveled hair flying in all directions
With fearful fangs, four arms holding a cleaver, a skull,
And gesturing mudras bestowing boons and dispelling fear,
Wearing a garland of skulls, tongue rolling wildly,
Digambari garbed in space in her nakedness,
Free from covering of all illusions
Thus I meditate on Kali My Mother,
Dwelling in the cremation ground of my heart
My Mother dances joyfully
Prasada watches with great delight"

--Ramprasad Sen (1718-75)

Mantras: 1. Kali Kali Mahakali Kalike Papanasini
2. Khadgahaste Mundahaste Kali Kali Namostu Te
3. Krim Krim Krim Hum Hum Hrim Hrim Dakshine Kaalika
4. Krim Krim Krim Hum Hum Hrim Hrim Svaha
5. Om hrim shrim klim adya kalika param eshvari svaha

2. Mahavidya Tara

Meaning Of Name:

Alternate Names: Tarini (Savior), Samsara-Tarini (Rescuer from cycle of birth and rebirth

Spouse: Akshobhya

Attributes: Sound-force (sabda), piercing word, wisdom, spiritual guidance, protection, speaking prowess, breath, unmanifest speech that resides in breath and consciousness, fire, especially of the cremation grounds

Colors: White, green, blue

Mantras: pratyalidhapade ghore mundalamala pasovite
kharve lambodari bhime ughratara namostu te
om hrim strim hum phat

Tara Yantra

"Seated in the pratyalidha asana, seated on the heart of a corpse, supreme, laughing horribly, holding cleaver, blue lotus, dagger and bowl, uttering the mantra--hum, colored blue, her hair braided with serpents, the Ugratara (Todala Tantra)."

"Tara the savior (Tarini) is as potent as Kali. She is said to be the form that Mahadevi took in order to destroy the thousand-headed –Ravana. Tara has strong presence in the Buddhism (especially the Tibetan Buddhism) and in Jain pantheons also. Among the Mahavidyas, Tara is next only to Kali; and she resembles Kali in appearance more than any other Mahavidya. Tara as Mahavidya is not entirely benign; she could be fierce and horrifying."

3. Mahavidya Tripura Sundari

Meaning Of Name: Beautiful one of the 3 worlds

Alternate Names: Shodashi (sixteen), Lalita (She who plays), rajarajeshvari, Tripura bala (virgin), Tripura Bhairavi (The Terrible One), Kameshvari, Mahatripura Sundari, Mahamaya (Great Enchantress)

Spouse: Kamesvara Shiva

symbols: sugarcane bow (represents mind), flower arrows (5 senses), noose (attachments), and goad (repulsion); 3 cities represent body, mind, and consciousness; triangle (represents creation, preservation, and destruction; 3 gunas; 3 states of awareness, etc.

Attributes: beauty, bliss, luminous desire, she represents a relative state of consciousness characterized by "I am this" (aham idam); she is related to yoga and heightened awareness; associated with 16 phases of the moon, seen as the embodiment of 16 modifications of desire.

Colors: Red

Numbers: 3 (Sundari), 16 (Shodashi)

16 Bija Mantras: ka e i la hrim; ha sa ka ha la hrim; sa ka la hrim; srim

Mantras: om aim hrem shrim sri lalita tripurasundari padukam poojayami namah
om aim hrim shrim sri lalita tripurasundari padukam poojayami namah

Shri Yantra
The 10 Mahavidyas

4. Mahavidya Bhuvanesvari

Meaning Of Name: Goddess Of The World

Alternate Names: Durga, Bhuvaneshi, Sarveshi (Ruller of All), Mahamaya (Great Enchantress), Prapancesvari (One who rules the 5-fold world), Hemangi, Soubhagya Bhuvanesvari, Maya Bhuvanesvari

spouse: Tryambaka

Attributes: Represents powerful forces of the material world; she is the world and also the the atmosphere and heavens; "The Universe is her body and the world is the flowering of her nature;" identified with Prakrti (the energy underlying creation); vast vision, space; related to the 5 elements (space, air, fire, water, earth)

Colors: red (soubhagya Bhuvanesvari), gold (Hemangi), blue (Maya Bhuvanesvari)

Bija-Mantra: hrim

Mantras: bhuvaneshim mahamayam sooryamandalaroopinim
namami varadam suddam kamakhyaroopinim shivam
om hrim bhubaneswaraye hrim namah

Description: radiant vermilion complexion, glowing like the sun; smiling face, black hair, full red lips, delicate nose, breasts smeared with sandal paste and saffron. Adorned with a moon-diadem, richly bejeweled. Six hands holding a cup filled with gems, a lotus, a goad, a noose, mudras dispelling fears (abhaya mudra) and bestowing boons (varada mudra). She has 3 eyes which see the past, present, and future.

"Like the red rays of the rising sun, with the moon as her diadem, and with three eyes, a smiling face, bestowing boons, holding a goad, a noose and dispelling fears, thus I hymn Bhuvaneshi."

5. Mahavidya Chinnamasta

Meaning Of Name:

Alternate Names:

Attributes: Striking force--combines light and sound in the thunderclap

Mantras: Shrim Aim Klim Sauh Shrim Hrim Klim Aim Haum
Om Krim Strim Krom
Im Hum Phat
Shrim Klim Hum Aim Vajravairochaniye Hum Hum Phat Svaha
Shrim Hrim Hum Aim Vajra Vairochaniye Shrim Hrim Aim Phat Svaha
Shrim Aim Klim Sauhm Shrim Hrim Klim Aim Haum Om Shrim Klim Hum Aim Vajra Vairochaniye Hum Hum Phat Svaha
guptadurge mahabhage guptapaapapranashini
saptajanmaarjitat paapaat traahi maam saranagatam
om shrim hrim hrim aim vajra vairochaniye shrim hrim hrim phat svaha

Chinnamasta Yantra

6. Mahavidya Bhairavi

Meaning Of Name: derived from bharana (to create); or from ramana (to protect); or vamana (to eject). The latter refers to the rhythmic breathing of the Goddess, her inhalation and exhalation. Her exhalation is creation and emanation while her inhalation is withdrawal and destruction.

Alternate Names: Sampath-pradha (giver of all riches); Sakala-siddhi (one who grants all attainments); Bhaya-vidvamsini (Destroyer of fear); Chaitanya (One who awakens consciousness); Bhuvaneshvari (One who sustains the world); Kameshvari (One who kindles desire and grants gratification); Shubmkari (One who causes good); Annapurneshvari (One who grants food); Sristi-smhara-kaarini; Jagad-dhatri; Parameshvari; Ghora tara; Kalaratri; Chandi.

Spouse: Dakshinamurti, Bhairava

Color: red

Dwelling Places: Cremation grounds

Attributes: Terror, decay, weakness, aging, death, destruction, creation and maintenance, power of speech; power of the senses and elements; the destructive force in nature; Kundalini; The radience that enlivens the elements (tejas); The heat of penance that transforms the adept by burning away the base desires and attachments (tapas); the Flame of consciousness (Chidagni); effulgent charm; flaming words

Descriptions: As Kala-ratri she is the dark night, the destructive aspect if Kali. Pray to her for fearlessness in the face of death. She is black as night and naked; only covered with skulls of her devotees which form a garland across her chest and wild long black hair flowing with the wind. She has her tongue out, dripping with blood. She haunts everywhere, but she is more easily seen where death and ashes exist in abundance.

Bhairavi is red in color with her breasts smeared with blood. She is draped in red silk. She is bright as the rising sun. She has three lotus-like eyes. She wears a garland of severed heads, moon on her head, and many jewels. In her depiction with ten hands she carries an assortment of weapons and accoutrement: bow and arrows, noose and goad, sword and club, drum and trident, and book and rosary. She is seated on a corpse (Savāsana)."

Mantras: mahapadmavanantasthe paramanandavigrahe
shabdabrahmamaye svacche vande tripurabhairavim
om bhairavi saham

"Her head garlanded with flowers, she resembling the red rays of 1,000 rising suns, smeared with red, holding milk, book, dispelling fears and giving boons with her four hands, large three eyes, beautiful face with a slow smile, wearing white gems, I worship Bhairava."

The 10 Mahavidyas

7. Mahavidya Dhumavati

Alternate Names:

Spouse: None

Attributes: silent inertness


"The color of smoke, wearing smoky clothes, holding a winnowing basket, disheveled clothes, deceitful, always trembling, with slant eyes, inspiring fear, terrifying."

8. Mahavidya Bagalamukhi

Alternate Names:

Spouse: Maharudra

Attributes: paralyzing power; stuns and stifles the free flow of things


Bagalamukhi Yantra

"Three eyes, wearing yellow clothes and gems, moon as her diadem, wearing champaka blossoms, with one hand holding the tongue of an enemy and with the left hand spiking him, thus should you meditate on the paralyser of the three worlds."

9. Mahavidya Matangi

Alternate Names:

Spouse: Shiva Matanga

Attributes: expressive play; expressive words


"Dusky, beautiful browed, her three eyes like lotuses, seated on a jeweled lion-throne, surrounded by gods and others serving her, holding in her four lotus-like hands a noose and a sword, a shield and a goad, thus I remember Matangi, the giver of results, the Modini."

10. Mahavidya Kamala

Alternate Names: Kamalatmika; Lakshmi

Spouse: Sadashiva

Attributes: concord; harmony; delightful beauty, grace


Invoked For: seeking wealth, power, and hidden treasures.

"With a smiling face, her beautiful lily-white hands hold two lotuses, and show the mudras of giving and dispelling fear. She is bathed in nectar by four white elephants and stands upon a beautiful lotus."

The 10 Mahavidyas

Further Reading

Danielou, Alain. 1991. The Myths and Gods of India. Vermont.

Frawley, David. 1999. Tantric Yoga and the Wisdom Goddesses. delhi.

Hancock-Jaime. The Ten Mahavidyas.

Jain, P.C., & Dr. Daljit. Ten Mahavidyas: Manifestations of Cosmic Female Energy.

Jansen, Eva Rudy. 1998. The Book of Hindu Imagery, the Gods and Their Symbols. Holland.

Kinsley. David. 1997. Tantric Visions and Divine Feminine. New Delhi.

Krishnaraj, Veeraswamy. Mahavidyas.

Mookerji, Ajit, & Madhu Khanna. The tantric Way

Viswanathan, Saipriya. Dus Mahavidyas: The Ten Forms of the Devi.

Walker, Benjamin. 1977. Encyclopedia of Esoteric Man. London.

Wisdom Goddesses: Mahavidyas and the Assertion of Femininity in Indian Thought.

Dasha Mahavidya.